
文章来源:中国农史任继周/方锡良2020-05-18 22:01

The Historical Process of China's Industrialization and the Response of Agricultural Ethics to It: On the Historical Opportunities of Post-industrialization
  作者简介:任继周(1924- ),男,兰州大学草地农业科技学院教授,博士生导师,中国工程院院士,主要从事草业科学,草地农业生态系统研究,近年来致力于农业伦理学等方面的研究。兰州 730020;方锡良(1977- ),男,兰州大学哲学社会学院副教授,主要从事马克思主义哲学、生态哲学与生态文明以及农业伦理学相关研究。兰州 730000
  China's industrialization has gone through three stages,it is the foundation stage of industrialization from 1949 to 1980,1981 to 1990,on the industrialization stage,completion stage of industrialization from 1991 to 2015,and we have entered the post-industrialization stage since 2015.Each stage shows the special contribution of agriculture and its ethical interpretation.The characteristic of China's industrialization lies in synchronizing with the development of post-industrialization of the world.China's industrialization began in 1949,the same year as the year of publication of Leopold's A Sand County Almanac,which sounded the alarm of the industrial social crisis.Marked by the 1992 World Conference on Environmental Development in Rio de Janeiro,the world has entered a post-industrial era,China was in the second stage of industrialization then.China has made great efforts to develop labor-intensive private enterprises with both sides outside the country,without excluding the import of polluting enterprises and industrial waste,it has brought serious pollution to China,and agriculture is the main recipient of all pollution.All kinds of pollutants pollute the water,the soil and food,thus endanger the social security.The insufficient understanding of the openness of the agricultural system and the lack of ethical care for agriculture have led to the widening gap between urban and rural areas,and led to the issues concerning agriculture,countryside and farmers,which are w
  关键词:中国工业化/后工业化/农耕文明/三农问题/战略机遇期/农业伦理学  China's industrialization/post-industrialization/agrarian civilization/the issues concerning agriculture countryside and farmers/the strategic opportunity period/agricultural ethics
  中国在改革开放的过程中,高速完成了工业化并初步进入后工业化时代。现在常见到这样的说法,我们以30年的时间走完了西方300年的工业化道路。其意在强调改革开放对工业化的巨大作用。但究其实际,新中国在1949年建国初期就致力于将农业国改换为工业国的面貌。中国的工业化可以分为三个历史阶段。即从1949年到1980年的第一阶段,打下了工业化的初步基础。从1981年到本世纪初的前10年为第二阶段,完成了从农业国到工业国的转变,GDP仅次于美国,位居世界第二。2015年以来,进入第三阶段,即后工业化时期①。但后工业化时期仍然属于工业化的一个特殊文化发展阶段,本文将在下面逐一阐述。 本/文-内/容/来/自:中-国-碳-排-放-网-tan pai fang . com


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