
文章来源:Farewell Coal iGDP2023-08-31 10:08

7 月 28 日,自愿碳市场的管理机构——自愿碳市场诚信委员会(Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market , ICVCM)发布了全球适用的高诚信碳信用基准,旨在提高各主体利用碳抵消来实现气候目标过程中的透明度。

今年,在一些媒体报道质疑碳抵消项目对于减排的有效性之后,价值 20 亿美元的全球自愿碳市场面临着重大的声誉问题。碳价因此暴跌,一些观察家质疑自愿碳市场是否还有未来。
现在,碳核证项目可以通过ICVCM的门户网站申请提交符合 CCPs的证明材料。一旦被核准符合 CCP,项目将可以在 CCP 认证的信用类别上使用 CCP 标签。
ICVCM还将成立利益相关者工作组,根据 CCP 标准评估不同类别的碳信用额度和相关计入方法,并推荐符合阈值的碳信用额度。
ICVCM旨在及时公布首批符合 CCP 要求的项目和 CCP 批准的信用类别,以便在今年年底前向买家提供贴有 CCP 标签的信用额度,但具体日期尚未确定。
总部位于瑞士的非营利组织国际排放交易协会(International Emissions Trading Association)首席执行官兼总裁Dirk Forrister表示:“该基准的推出是确定全球高诚信碳信用标准的重要一步,将有助于全球加快向《巴黎协定》 1.5°C 目标的公正转型。”
碳补偿认证机构“黄金标准”(Gold Standard)表示,将更新其规则,与ICVCM的碳信用基准保持一致。
碳数据提供商 Sylvera 的总裁兼联合创始人Samuel Gill说:“归根结底,大多数碳市场参与者希望最大限度地发挥影响,设定诚信信用的阈值对为项目提供资金的开发商和寻求高质量投资的买家来说是个福音。”
A new benchmark has launched to bring more clarity to the definition of a high-quality carbon credit, which companies are increasingly using to offset their climate impact. 
On Thursday (28 July), the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM), a governance body for the voluntary carbon market, released a global benchmark for high-integrity carbon credits, with the aim of bringing more transparency to how carbon offsetting contributes to global climate goals. 
The US$2 billion voluntary carbon market has faced major reputational issues this year following media reports that questioned the effectiveness of carbon projects at removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. The price of carbon has tumbled as a result, prompting some observers to question whether the voluntary carbon market has a viable future.
The framework that ICVCM will use to assess whether carbon credits meet its high-integrity Core Carbon Principles (CCPs) was developed through consultations with scientific and carbon-crediting experts. 
Carbon-crediting programmes can now apply for assessment by submitting evidence to prove that they meet the CCPs through the ICVCM’s application portal. Once approved as CCP-eligible, programmes will be able to use the CCP label on CCP-approved credit categories.
The ICVCM is also setting up multi-stakeholder working groups to evaluate different categories of carbon credits and associated crediting methodologies against the CCP criteria and recommend those which meet its threshold.
It plans to announce the first CCP-eligible programmes and CCP-approved credit categories in time for CCP-labelled credits to be available to buyers by the end of the year, although no specific date has been given.
“The launch of the benchmark is an important step towards defining a global threshold for high integrity carbon credits that will help to accelerate a just transition towards the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C goal,” said Dirk Forrister, chief executive and president of Switzerland-headquartered non-profit International Emissions Trading Association. 
“Defining a global benchmark for quality carbon credits will help ratchet up ambition in the voluntary carbon market and combat climate change,” he suggested.
Carbon offset certifier Gold Standard said that it will be updating its rules to align with the benchmark. 
“When it comes down to it, most carbon market participants want to maximise impact and setting a threshold for credit integrity should be a boon to developers funding projects and for buyers seeking high-quality investments,” said Samuel Gill, president and co-founder of carbon data provider Sylvera. 
The activation and scaling of high-integrity voluntary carbon markets could become a priority at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) in November, after the Bonn climate talks in June made slow progress on key carbon market principles.


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