
文章来源:UNESCAP碳交易网2023-11-24 09:56

The national social protection framework 2023 of the Maldives provides the necessary direction to being legislative, institutional and financing reforms for an effective and sustainable social protection system in the country. As the Maldives embarks on implementing this new social protection framework, it should focus on progressively building universal social protection systems, along the actions set out in the adopted  Action Plan to Strengthen Regional Cooperation on Social Protection in Asia and the Pacific, where everyone has access to comprehensive social protection system, covering traditional and climate change related contingencies over the life cycle.7 And these systems must be based on key international social security principles such as the principle of solidarity, collective financing and risk pooling.


华北【北京、天津、河北石家庄保定、山西太原、内蒙】东北【黑龙江哈尔滨、吉林长春、辽宁沈阳】 华中【湖北武汉、湖南长沙、河南郑州】
华东【上海、山东济南、江苏南京、安徽合肥、江西南昌、浙江温州、福建厦门】 华南【广东广州深圳、广西南宁、海南海口】【香港,澳门,台湾】
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