
文章来源:hydrogenfuelcellinfo碳交易网2020-07-20 00:10


Hydrogen is a key solution to cut greenhouse gas emissions in sectors that are hard to decarbonise and where electrification is difficult or impossible. This is the case of industrial sectors such as steel production, or heavy-duty transport for example.
As a carbon-free energy carrier, hydrogen would also allow for transport of renewable energy over long distances and for storage of large energy volumes.
An immediate application in industry is to reduce and replace the use of carbon-intensive hydrogen in refineries, the production of ammonia, and for new forms of methanol production, or to partially replace fossil fuels in steel making.
Hydrogen holds the potential to form the basis for zero-carbon steel making processes in the EU, envisioned under the Commission’s New Industrial Strategy.
In transport, hydrogen is also a promising option where electrification is more difficult. For example in local city buses, commercial fleets or specific parts of the rail network.
Heavy-duty vehicles including coaches, special purpose vehicles, and long-haul road freight could also be decarbonised by using hydrogen as a fuel.
Hydrogen fuel cell trains could be extended and hydrogen could be used as a fuel for maritime transport on inland waterways and short-sea shipping.
In the long term, hydrogen can also become an option to decarbonise the aviation and maritime sector, through the production of liquid synthetic kerosene or other synthetic fuels.
未来,氢能还可以成为航空和海上运输领域的脱碳选择,通过生产液态合成煤油或者其他合成燃料。 本文@内/容/来/自:中-国-碳^排-放-交易&*网-tan pai fang . com


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