
文章来源:《中国能源》杂志张建国2022-03-15 10:02

Abstract: The low carbon transformation in heating area is an important field to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality strategy in China, which is closely related to people's livelihood improvement. In this paper, the current situation of heating in building sector in China has been analyzed, and the trend of the heating demand has been judged too. Meanwhile, this paper introduces some advanced heating technologies, and puts forward the pathways for heating to low carbon transformation and several policy suggestions. This point regarding the trend of heating demand in building sector in China is that, the energy consumption for space heating demand in north China is gradually increased to near peak, but energy consumption demand for space heating and residents' hot water in south China would increase sharply. The pathways for low carbon transformation in heating area should be different based on the different heating demand characteristics. For urban areas in the north, we should make full use of existing central heating pipelines resources and focus on heat source structure optimization. For rural areas in the north, continue to carry out the bulk coal substitute. Families in the South give priority to household heating and encourage electricity instead of gas. This paper suggests that the low carbon transformation in heating area should be considered as a part of whole to the new energy system strategy in China, and develop renewable energy heating, adjust the current policies of price of natural gas and heat metering, in addition to strengthen technology research and development, encourage innovation of heating application mode.
Key words: Carbon Peak & Carbon Neutrality; Heating; Low Carbon Transformation; Pathways
     推进城乡供热领域低碳转型,既与改善民生密切相关,也是实现碳达峰、碳中和目标需要关注的重点领域。目前,我国北方城镇建筑是以燃煤热电联产为主的大中型集中供热系统,作为主要供热方式,以保障冬季室温最低温度达标为供热目标,以单一种类能源、大管网、大型热力站及供热系统大调度为主要特征,传统供热系统存在化石能源热源占比高、管网系统规模大、热力平衡调节困难、存在过量供热等问题。随着城镇化率提升,北方城镇供热面积还将进一步增长。与此同时,大量南方家庭取暖的需求潜力正在快速释放。在碳达峰、碳中和的大背景下,供热需求“存量”的低碳转型和“增量”的低碳供热任重道远,必须创新供热方式,优化热源结构,全面提升供热系统技术与装备水平,加快推动传统供热行业向现代供热的转变,构建安全、低碳、清洁、高效、智慧、经济的供热系统。 本文@内/容/来/自:中-国-碳^排-放-交易&*网-tan pai fang . com


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