
文章来源:iGDP碳交易网2020-07-21 08:27

图片说明:德国退煤进程年度计划去除的煤电产量(褐煤和硬煤) 图片来源:每日头条
The German cabinet put the finishing touches to its Coal Phase-out Act on Wednesday (24 June), aiming for the draft package of laws to clear the Bundestag before the summer break, unless the European Commission decides to strike it down. EURACTIV Germany reports.
Ministers agreed on final amendments to three different texts, including one law for the restructuring of coal regions, as well as an agreement with operators of lignite power plants, which together will regulate the phase-out of coal in Germany by 2035.
The three draft coal phase-out bills have already been submitted to the Bundestag months ago. The amendments submitted on Wednesday were negotiated between government factions after consultations in the Bundestag and Bundesrat, the two chambers of Parliament, in a bid to speed up the legislative process.
Changes to the Coal Phase-out Act include a higher maximum price for auctions in which operators can bid for compensation for the closure of their coal plants.
Final changes to the agreement were apparently agreed overnight with operators of lignite power plants. In contrast to hard coal, the deal contains fixed exit dates, which had  previously been agreed with state premiers and energy companies. In return, operators will receive compensation payments totalling €4.35 billion.
NGO ClientEarth的律师韦斯特法尔解释说,政客与电厂运营商之间的交易主要是为了给双方提供法律确定性。
The deal between politicians and power plant operators is primarily intended to provide legal certainty to both sides, explains Ida Westphal, a lawyer at NGO ClientEarth.
As long as energy companies shut down their lignite plants by the agreed date, they are entitled to compensation payments. Under the deal, operators will not receive any further claims, even if the CO2 price changes or amendments are made to the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG).
环境部长斯嘉文· 舒尔茨强调说,该协议明确提到将德国逐步淘汰煤炭的时间提前到2035年而不是2038年,是否可行将在这十年的后半程进行评估。
Environment Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) emphasised that the agreement explicitly mentions bringing forward Germany’s coal phase-out to 2035 instead of 2038. Whether this is possible is to be reviewed in the later part of this decade.
“The coal exit can arrive,” Schulze rejoiced. 
For Westphal, however, it is not clearly stated in the agreement whether operators can still sue against the possibility of bringing forward decommissioning after 2030.
She also questioned the compensation payments themselves, saying negotiations with coal operators took place behind closed doors, with no involvement or scrutiny from civil society groups.
As German magazine Der Spiegel reported in April, the lignite company LEAG is set to receive €1.75 billion for shutting down its plants in a timeframe that the company had already planned for anyway.
“有必要将补偿金额与发电厂的未来获利能力明确挂钩,以排除类似选择。”韦斯特法尔说: “但不幸的是,赔偿金的计算公式仍然未知”。
“It is necessary to clearly link the amount of compensation to the future profitability of the power plants to exclude this option,” Westphal said. “But unfortunately the formula for the compensation remains unknown”.
According to ClientEarth, the German government should have refused to compensate power plant owners in the first place.
In a letter to Schulze and Economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU), the environmental group called on the government to clarify the shutdown by law. According to ClientEarth, this is the only way to prevent “the contracts from cementing a coal phase-out, which is too late anyway in terms of climate policy, and to give the operators a guarantee of continued operation that goes beyond the law.”
The European Commission will have the last word on the German government’s deal with power plant owners. Within two months, the EU executive will examine whether the compensation payments for coal plant closures are in line with EU state aid rules or if they constitute a market distortion.
“The EU Commission’s examination will hopefully show that these horrendous payments must not be made,” Westphal says.


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