
文章来源:中国碳排放交易网2016-11-13 14:59


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气候变化对我们长期战略的影响导致了以下行动: 内-容-来-自;中_国_碳_0排放¥交-易=网 t an pa i fa ng . c om

联想的长期减排目标包括风云2020 / 21在40%范围1和2的排放量的绝对减少,相对于风云2009 / 2010。
我们继续我们的参与,在标准和工具的发展,以准确地量化我们的产品的寿命影响。这些措施包括:建立ICT产品碳足迹的一个产品类别规则中国政府的发展;中国ICT产品生命周期评价的数据服务平台;IEC技术报告,电脑温室气体量化方法;在中国低碳产品认证证书;中国ICT支持低碳经济;“产品碳足迹数据分配算法发展。 本+文+内/容/来/自:中-国-碳-排-放(交—易^网-tan pai fang . com

我们继续努力,以提高我们的能力,以量化,跟踪,并减轻我们的供应链的影响。我们致力于向承诺绝对减少温室气体排放和水在FY 2015 / 16从我们的供应链成员的使用。
联想的环保意识的产品项目主要集中在2014财政年度/ 15在以下关键领域:产品材料,包括使用消费后回收的内容;能源产品,包括对产品碳足迹的焦点;和包装产品,包括环保材料尺寸的减小和使用。 本@文$内.容.来.自:中`国`碳`排*放^交*易^网 t a np ai fan g.c om

在产品材料领域,联想已经在消费后回收的内容使用的巨大进步(PCC)塑料。通过与我们的供应商开发和资格的PCC塑料工程的成绩,联想用了超过1亿5700万的再生含量塑料英镑超过6900万净PCC塑料开始以来,这些努力。在使用再生塑料,联想支持其减少其产品的碳足迹的目标,并避免了超过1亿600万磅的二氧化碳排放量。除了支持联想的内部目标,以推动工程级PCC塑料这样的高端需求,联想正在帮助建造基础设施和再生塑料的需求。 本*文@内-容-来-自;中_国_碳^排-放*交-易^网 t an pa i fa ng . c om


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A core element of Lenovo’s business management strategy is a commitment to environmental leadership. In light of this commitment the impacts of, and increasing interest in, climate change influences our environmental and overall business strategy. Our Environmental Management System (EMS), which is an integral part of our business management system, establishes the framework from which we develop environmental strategy, objectives and targets and link to our global business strategy. In accordance with the requirements of Lenovo’s EMS, energy consumption, the associated GHG emissions and the resulting climate change impacts have been identified as significant environmental aspects and impacts for the company. Our business strategy has been adapted to address issues and challenges arising from these aspects and has been linked to emissions reduction targets by the following actions: (1) Lenovo has adopted a corporate Climate Change Policy, (2) comprehensive Climate Change Strategy, and (3) set aggressive corporate-wide Climate Change Objectives and Targets including absolute GHG emissions reductions and renewable energy sourcing targets. 本+文`内/容/来/自:中-国-碳-排-放-网-tan pai fang . com

Several aspects of climate change have influenced our strategy. These include, stakeholder and customer concerns and interests including their demand for energy efficient products with low carbon footprints; developing climate/carbon driven regulatory and voluntary standards; increasing costs of carbon based fuels; transitioning to renewable energy resources and meeting related climate change commitments. Our business strategy is linked to Lenovo's identified climate change risks such as preparedness for product carbon labeling, carbon taxes, uncertainty around new regulations, protection of reputation, retention of customers and adaptation to a possible increase in the number and severity of severe weather events. 本%文$内-容-来-自;中_国_碳|排 放_交-易^网^t an pa i fang . c om

Climate change influences on our short term strategy have resulted in the following actions:
Continued focus on identification and implementation of energy savings opportunities. Continued to support of external renewable energy projects and commitment to absolute reduction in carbon emissions through the purchase of carbon offsets and renewable energy credits. Active on-going investigation of on-site renewable energy installations. Continuing work on improving data collection processes through implementation of a global data collection platform. 本+文内.容.来.自:中`国`碳`排*放*交*易^网 ta np ai fan g.com

Climate change influences on our long term strategy have resulted in the following actions:
Lenovo’s long term GHG emissions reduction target includes an absolute reduction in Scope 1 & 2 emissions of 40% by FY 2020/21, relative to FY 2009/2010. 本*文`内/容/来/自:中-国-碳^排-放“交|易^网-tan pai fang . c o m

We continue our engagement in the development of standards and tools to accurately quantify the lifetime impact of our products. These include: The Chinese government’s development of a product category rule for establishing the product carbon footprint for ICT products; China ICT Product Life-Cycle Assessment Data Service Platform; IEC Technical Report, GHG Quantification Methodology for Computers; Low Carbon Product Certificate in China; China ICT Supporting Low Carbon Economy; EICC Product Carbon Footprint Data Allocation Algorithm Development. 本`文@内-容-来-自;中_国_碳排0放_交-易=网 t an pa ifa ng . c om

We continue efforts to improve our ability to quantify, track, and mitigate the impacts of our supply chain.  We have committed to soliciting commitments to absolute reductions in GHG emissions and water use from members of our supply chain during FY 2015/16.

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Lenovo’s Environmentally Conscious Products program focused in FY 2014/15 on the following key areas: Product Materials, including the use of postconsumer recycled content; Product Energy, including a focus on product carbon footprint; and Product Packaging, including size reduction and use of environmentally preferable materials.

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In the product materials area, Lenovo has made tremendous progress in the use of post-consumer recycled content (PCC) plastics. By working with our suppliers to develop and qualify engineered grades of PCC plastics, Lenovo has used more than 157 million pounds of recycled content plastics with over 69 million net PCC plastics since beginning these efforts. In using recycled plastics, Lenovo supports its objective of reducing the carbon footprint of its products and has avoided the emission of greater than 106 million pounds of CO2. In addition to supporting Lenovo’s internal goals, by driving such high-volume demand for engineering-grade PCC plastics, Lenovo is helping to build the infrastructure and demand for recycled plastic.

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Increasing the energy efficiency and reducing the carbon footprint of Lenovo’s products is another ongoing focus area. Lenovo offers a full complement of ENERGY STAR® qualified notebooks, desktops, workstations, monitors, and servers. In 2014, ENERGY STAR® availability within Lenovo’s current offerings included: Approximately 98% of all notebook platforms, including Think, Idea, and Essential product lines; approximately 82% of all desktop platforms, including Think, Idea, and Essential product lines; approximately 71% of all workstation platforms (for pre-configured systems); approximately 94% of all server platforms; approximately 97% of all monitors. All Lenovo newly released ENERGY STAR qualified Desktop and Notebook platforms, and Monitors exceed the current applicable ENERGY STAR power consumption requirements (by 25% to 60%). 內/容/來/自:中-國/碳-排*放^交%易#網-tan p a i fang . com

Lenovo is a leader for the electronics industry in advocating for energy efficiency in China and is leading the development of the China Energy Efficiency Standard for PCs, the China Green PC Standard, and is very active in numerous energy efficiency work-groups, associations, and initiatives, including the Visual China Energy Efficiency Standard update, the China Environmental Labeling Program, the Energy Saving Work Association of the Chinese Institute of Electronics, and the China Energy Conservation Program.

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As the ICT industry as a whole has demonstrated broad support for actions to address the impacts of climate change, Lenovo does not recognize significant strategic advantage in our activities. We do feel leadership in promoting the use of post consumer plastics in PC products and our continued commitment to producing high quality, energy efficient products offers the opportunity to differentiate ourselves from our competitors.

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Substantial business decisions that were influenced by our climate change strategy include: Absolute GHG emissions reduction targets were increased from 20% to 40%.  Lenovo has achieved green building certifications at many of its facilities around the world, including LEED certifications in Morrisville, USA; Milan, Italy; Paris, France. We committed to achieve China Star and LEED certification for new HQ facility in Beijing.  本*文@内-容-来-自;中_国_碳^排-放*交-易^网 t an pa i fa ng . c om

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