
文章来源:iGDP碳交易网2020-11-26 13:46

2020年11月2日, 国有控股的挪威国家石油公司新任CEO Anders Opedal表示,该公司计划到2050年实现运营和产品消费的净零排放,同时重申了2019-2026年每年增加3%石油和天然气产量的目标。
2020/11/2  Norway's state-controlled Equinor aims to achieve net zero emissions from its operations and consumption of its products by 2050, new CEO Anders Opedal said Nov. 2, while reiterating the goal of increasing oil and gas output by 3% annually in 2019-26.
今年2月,挪威国家石油公司曾宣布到2050年将 "净碳强度 "降低50%,包括其自身运营排放和产品排放。同时它还设定了到2030年在全球范围内实现自身运营净零排放,目前这一目标依然存在。
In February, Equinor had announced it would target a 50% reduction in "net carbon intensity," comprising its own operational emissions and those from its products, by 2050. It also set the goal, which remains in place, of achieving net zero emissions from its own operations globally by 2030.
However, the goal of net zero emissions from consumption of the company's oil and gas production aligns it with European rivals such as BP, Shell and Total.
"挪威国家石油公司致力于成为能源转型的领导者,这是一个稳健的商业战略,以确保公司在全社会迈向净零能源系统的深刻变革时期保持长期竞争力,"11月2日,接替Eldar Saetre的Opedal说。"未来几个月,我们将更新战略,继续为股东创造价值,并实现这一雄心。"
"Equinor is committed to being a leader in the energy transition. It is a sound business strategy to ensure long-term competitiveness during a period of profound changes in the energy systems as society moves towards net zero," Opedal, who took over from Eldar Saetre on Nov. 2, said. "Over the coming months, we will update our strategy to continue to create value for our shareholders and to realize this ambition."
挪威国家石油公司还表示,预计从2030年左右开始,世界油气需求将逐步下降,但他们对未来十年的油价仍保持相对乐观的看法,并在10月29日预测布兰特油价将在2025年升至65美元/桶,并在2030年前进一步提升。即将离任的首席财务官Lars Christian Bacher当天也对分析师表示,对石油市场的预期过于受需求疲软的影响,而投资不足可能导致对供应短缺认识不足。
The company added that it expects a gradual decline in world oil and gas demand from around 2030, but has also maintained a relatively positive view of oil prices over the coming decade, forecasting on Oct. 29 Brent prices to rise to $65/b in 2025, with a further rise to 2030. Outgoing chief financial officer Lars Christian Bacher also told analysts the same day that perceptions in the oil market were overly influenced by weak demand and not enough by the likely supply shortfall resulting from insufficient investment.
In its latest statement, Equinor defended its continued oil and gas commitments, saying, "Equinor is well positioned with world-class global assets in attractive areas with substantial value creation potential. By optimizing its portfolio through financial discipline and prioritization, Equinor will continue to develop competitive and resilient projects whilst maintaining industry-leading recovery rates, unit costs and carbon efficiency."
挪威国家石油公司第三季度的石油和天然气产量同比增长7%,其中挪威石油产量因新投产的Johan Sverdrup油田而猛增25%。 
The company's oil and gas output was up 7% on the year in the third quarter, including a 25% jump in its Norwegian oil production on the back of the newly producing Johan Sverdrup field.


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