2018 全球气候行动峰会 9月12日-14日 美国·旧金山(中国角・边会)

文章来源:未知碳交易网2018-09-13 10:17

2018 全球气候行动峰会 9月12日-14日  美国 ‧ 旧金山

2018 全球气候行动峰会
2018.9.14 ▶ 2018.9.14
美国 ‧ 旧金山
9月12日-14日, 全球气候行动峰会将在美国加利福尼亚州旧金山举办。通过此次峰会,世界各国领导人和人民,将进一步提升应对气候变化的雄心( Take Ambition to the Next Level)。在此,全球各国、地区、城市、企业、投资者和民众将共同庆祝所取得的气候成就。全球气候行动峰会也将进一步深化全世界的承诺,并在社会各界的支持下加速各国的气候行动,以防范气候变化的危害,推动到2020年降低全球碳排放量,并向本世纪中叶实现零排放的目标迈进,历史性地实现《巴黎协议》。
| 中国角・边会 |
2018.9.14 10:30-12:00
旧金山四季酒店 Yerba Buena Meeting Room
Four Seasons Hotel San Francisco, 757 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
| 主办单位 |  联合国环境署、北京市环保局、加州空气资源委员会、清华大学、能源基金会、国际清洁交通委员会、宜可城—地方可持续发展协会
Green is Gold, and clean air is health and wealth. There is increasing awareness of the multiple benefits from reducing air pollution. Efforts to improve air quality improves health, supports sustainable development, and protects the climate. Cities are at the forefront of these efforts and are critically important in the development and implementation of clean air actions.
In 1998 Beijing began an intensified air pollution control program, and over the last 20 years the city has implemented a series of measures including energy infrastructure optimization, coal-fired pollution control, and vehicle emission controls. Air quality improved in a sustainable way alongside rapid economic development and city expansion. From these efforts new experiences and lessons were learned.
The Global Climate Action Summit provides an opportunity to review how a city like Beijing has built an air quality management system thatguarantees sustainable and effective development and implementation of air pollution control programs, how scientific research and new technology helps support policy making, and the effectiveness of the program.
This side event will discuss:
A soon to be released report by Tsinghua University and international experts on the evolution of pollution interventions and future measures to tackle air pollution more effectively.
How lessons from Beijing’s experience can be shared with cities around the world facing similar air pollution issues.
Recommendations on how to integrate traditional air pollution control and climate change mitigation for the city to consider in its next air quality strategy.
The event will bring together partners who have worked with Beijing.
UN Environment has long cooperated with Beijing, a relationship that started with an assessment of Beijing’s performance of its Green Olympics commitment during the preparation and hosting of the 2008 Olympic Games. UN Environment has since kept close track on Beijing’s air pollution control process and progress.
California has built a close relationship and long cooperation with Beijing on air pollution control since the beginning of this century. The cooperation extends to climate change, scientific innovation, and other areas.
The international organizations, Energy Foundation China, ICCT, ICLEI have been involved in the program with Beijing over the past decade, and have witnessed the changes happened over that time.
Opening Remarks: SUN Zhen, Deputy Director General, Departmentof Climate Change of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China
The Future of Pollution Control and Climate Change by Helena Molin Valdés (Head of the UN Environment hosted Climate and Clean Air Coalition Secretariat)
Air Quality Goals and Strategy by FANG li (Director General, Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau)
Assessment of 20 years of Air Pollution Control in Beijing, by HE Kebin (Dean and Professor, School of Environment, Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering, Tsinghua University, China)
California’s Air Quality and Climate Change Strategy (Matthew Rodriquez, secretary of CAL EPA / Mary Nichols, Chair of CARB) - TBC
Sensor based environmental big data capture and support in decision making on air pollution control by Liu Baoxian (Deputy Director of Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center)
How Beijing Can Move Towards Zero Emissions (Gong Huiming, Program Director of Transportation, Energy Foundation China)
ICCT and China: Vehicle Emission Control by He Hui (ICCT) - TBC
Panel discussion: Recommendations for Beijing’s Next Step, Co-Control of Air Pollutant and Greenhouse Gas Emission. 
Beijing EPB, Mr. Fang Li
Cal-EPA/CARB, Mr. Matt Rodriquez/Ms. Mary Nichols (TBD)
Tsinghua University, Mr. He Kebin
Energy Foundation China, Mr. Zou Ji
Mayor of the Federal City of Bonn and President of ICLEI, Mr. Ashok Sridharan
MOU Signing Ceremony
Video, brochures and other materials will be available.
Session Moderator:
Catherine Witherspoon (independent consultant, former Executive Officer of CARB), Michael Walsh (Founding Chairman of the Board of Directors of the ICCT.


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