
文章来源:iGDP碳交易网2020-07-17 09:22

据悉尼先驱晨报6月22日报道,澳大利亚采矿达峰游说团体采取了一项识别气候变化带来金融风险的政策,因为投资者团体表示,如果该行业没有适当披露其对全球变暖的影响,可能会失去资金来源。Australia’s peak mining lobby group has moved to adopt a policy recognising financial risks from climate change, as investor groups say the industry could lose access to funds if it doesn’t properly disclose its exposure to global warming.
6月22日,澳大利亚矿产协会(Minerals Council of Australia)发布了三页纸的气候变化政策概述了针对《巴黎协定》目标的“集体承诺”,即将全球变暖限制在比工业化之前水平高1.5度,并实现净零排放。Released on Monday, the Minerals Council of Australia's three-page climate change policy outlines a "collective commitment" to the goals of the Paris agreement to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels and to achieve net-zero emissions.
矿产协会的政策并未要求其成员公开其风险或采用行业标准,但承诺对其成员进行教育。协会首席执行官塔尼亚·康斯特布尔(Tania Constable)表示:“在对此不完全了解之前,并不是每个公司都具备参与的条件。”
The council's policy doesn't commit its members to disclose their risk or to adopt an industry standard, but it has promised to educate its members. MCA chief executive Tania Constable said: “Until that understanding is well known, not every company is necessarily well-equipped to participate.”
联合国正在与世界上一些最大的银行合作,以建立披露气候风险的标准。这套标准将包括对天气变化或极端事件,如洪水,干旱,火灾或暴风雨,对企业资产损失的潜在影响,以及新技术,如来自可再生能源的竞争和政策变更,将增加的污染者的成本。The UN is working with some of the world's biggest banks to create a standard for disclosing climate risk. It will include potential impacts to businesses that are exposed to physical threats like changes in weather, or extreme events like floods, droughts, fires or storms as well as new technology such as competition from renewable energy and policy change that increase costs for big polluters. 康斯特布尔女士说,其他司法管辖区尤其是加拿大的矿业公司,正在推动气候风险披露,以“帮助公司获得资本”。康斯特布尔女士说:“高度重视气候变化行动会给我们带来竞争优势”。Ms Constable said miners in other jurisdictions, particularly Canada, were pulling ahead on climate risk disclosures which “helps companies get access to capital”. Having a "strong focus on climate action gives us a competitive edge”, Ms Constable said.
气候变化投资者集团首席执行官艾玛·赫德(Emma Herd)代表机构投资者表示,气候风险披露是资源行业面临的最大问题。这家集团管理的资金总额超过2万亿美元。Investor Group on Climate Change chief executive Emma Herd, who represents institutional investors who have total funds under management of more than $2 trillion, said climate risk disclosure was the biggest issue facing the resources sector.
赫德女士说:“在这个问题上,压力只是一种方式。” “投资将变得越来越难获得,能够管理所有风险的优质公司将更容易获得管理资本。”“The pressure is only going one way on this issue,” Ms Herd said. “Investment is going to become harder to access and quality companies that are managing all their risks will have better access to managed capital.”
澳大利亚退休金投资委员会首席执行官路易丝·戴维森(Louise Davidson)表示,尽管报告气候风险敞口的公司数量有所增加,但大多数“仍仅提供有限的信息”。Australian Council of Superannuation Investors chief executive Louise Davidson said while the number of companies reporting climate risk exposure had increased, a majority "still only provide limited information".
戴维森女士说:“投资者需要获得可靠且足够详细的信息,以了解公司的风险敞口。”矿产协会的新政策是“第一步”,但“投资者期待看到有关如何实施的更多细节”。"Investors need access to reliable and sufficiently granular information to understand companies’ exposure," Ms Davidson said. The Minerals Council's new policy was "a first step" but "investors are looking forward to seeing more detail on how this will be implemented".
近年来,矿产协会也受到一些最大的成员公司和全球顶级投资者的压力,因为他们倡导的政策立场与应对气候变化的目标不一致。The Minerals Council had also been under pressure from some of its biggest member companies and top global investors in recent years for promoting policy positions described as being out of step with goals to combat climate change.
世界最大矿商必和必拓(BHP)的澳大利亚的三分之一股东反对董事会的敦促,并于去年支持一项议案,谴责矿产协会对化石燃料的未来的议题的支持,并要求必和必拓中止其成员资格。One in three Australian shareholders of the world's biggest miner, BHP, defied the urging of the board and backed a motion last year condemning the Minerals Council’s support of issues on the future of fossil fuels and demanded BHP suspend its membership.
The activist investor group leading the push said the group’s new climate action plan was "embarrassing and inadequate" for failing to commit to a net-zero emissions target date or to address its support for decarbonisation policies such as a carbon price.
澳大拉西亚企业责任中心气候主管丹戈彻(Dan Gocher)表示:“这叫什么计划,没有日期或目标?两年之后,这真的是他们可以提出的最好的计划吗?”Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility climate director Dan Gocher said: "What type of plan is this, without any dates or targets? After two years, is this really the best they could come up with?"
戈彻表示,投资界将非常失望。Mr Gocher said the investment community would be sorely disappointed.
“投资者已经给了矿产协会会员公司对此存疑的好处——他们可以在此期间做出改变。” 他说: “该政策表明商业运作一切照旧,并进一步延缓行动。”"Investors have given Minerals Council member companies the benefit of the doubt that they could achieve change from within," he said. "This policy represents business as usual and further delays to action."
采矿业内部人士表示,气候计划的实施没有达到某些成员的要求,但被普遍认为是“朝好的方向迈出的一步”。Mining industry insiders said the climate plan did not go as far as some members had been seeking but it had been widely considered to be a "good step forward".
“会员公司的多样化,使得最终不可避免地会陷入一些考虑之中。”  一位消息人士说,“这对他们来说可能是一条艰难的路。”"With such a diverse membership, you inevitably end up in the middle of some considerations," one source said. "It can be a hard line for them to walk.“ 


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