
文章来源:中国石化碳交易网2021-06-07 17:32

  碳捕获和存储 (CCS)
  道达尔能源公司董事长兼首席执行官Patrick Pouyanné在参加圣彼得堡国际经济论坛时表示:“我们很高兴与我们的长期战略合作伙伴诺瓦泰克开始了新的合作篇章。我们两家公司正在联手提供可持续的解决方案,以减少液化天然气项目的排放,并向我们的客户提供低碳液化天然气。根据我们的转型战略和我们在能源转型中成为主要参与者的雄心,我们希望成为低碳液化天然气的领导者。”
  朱佳妮 摘译自 油田技术
  TotalEnergies partners with Novatek
  TotalEnergies and Novatek have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly work on sustainable reductions of the CO2 emission resulting from the production of LNG including with the use of renewable power, to develop large-scale carbon capture and storage solutions (CCS) and to explore new opportunities for developing decarbonised hydrogen and ammonia. This partnership will leverage the significant low-cost resources of the Yamal and Gydan peninsulas and their large potential for geological storage.
  Each partner will bring its best-in-class technologies and combine its know-how to explore and develop projects that will help reduce the carbon footprint of the LNG value chain, using:
  Carbon capture and storage (CCS).
  Energy efficiency.
  Renewable sources of power.
  Marketing of carbon-neutral LNG.
  Clean hydrogen and ammonia.
  “We are very pleased to begin a new chapter in our co-operation with our long-standing strategic partner Novatek. Our two companies are joining forces to deliver sustainable solutions to reduce emissions from our LNG projects and to provide low carbon LNG to our customers,” said Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO of TotalEnergies, on the occasion of his visit to the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum. “In line with our transformation strategy and our ambition to be a major player in the energy transition, we want to be a leader in low-carbon LNG.”
  TotalEnergies is a 19.4% shareholder in Novatek and holds a 20% stake in Yamal LNG, a project that started up in December 2017 and produced more than 18.8 million t of LNG in 2020. The company also holds a 10% stake in Arctic LNG 2, a project currently under construction and on track to deliver its first LNG cargo in 2023.


华北【北京、天津、河北石家庄保定、山西太原、内蒙】东北【黑龙江哈尔滨、吉林长春、辽宁沈阳】 华中【湖北武汉、湖南长沙、河南郑州】
华东【上海、山东济南、江苏南京、安徽合肥、江西南昌、浙江温州、福建厦门】 华南【广东广州深圳、广西南宁、海南海口】【香港,澳门,台湾】
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